Monday 18 May 2015

fashion mantra

When we all talk about fashion what is the first thing comes to your mind.. i guess fashion the movie starring priyanka chopra. Most of us do not know what is fashion. Fashion is about creating style of urself. We all learnt cursive writing in school. What is the difference between a normal writing and the cursive writing. Thats exactly the difference between a fashion savy guy or a girl and non fashion savy guy n a girl. Stylish people don't do different things but they do things differently. For example we always wear skirts but do we know that its only the right length of skirt that can make us look fashionable. Skirts lengths are
Micro mini
Knee length
Ankle length
And full length till the floor
Now the moment your skirt swings away from these lengths you may look shabby and un fashionable.
In today's world we all need to be fashionable because every one is hitting gym; going to skin clinics but when it comes to creating a style statement they all fall flat. The biggest reason for this is there are not many style coaches who are available. But at assam tribune we are your personal style coach. We all should understand how different colors sizes and shapes can effect our fashion sense. There are many techniques in styling that can help a fat look smaller and smaller look medium. The importance of being in right style is that when you go for your interviews and after that to your work places, your style statement would leave a mark in people's mind and heart. People would want to be in your company. You can make more connections and by all this you can be more successful in your life ahead. Last but not the least if you think positive about yourself it shall start reflecting on your face. Till the next column stay healthy and be beautiful.
Your style coach
Naaz joshi 

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